Apparently a tessellation is more than captivating visual: repeated patterns = prediction. Molecular Tessellations that actually predict molecular formation are a very big deal.
“They are continuing a wonderful old tradition of studying the relationship between growth and form,” Senechal said, “which is really central to understanding anything in the world around us.”
Diabetes type 2 and climate change are the two hideous own goals of modernity. 1.31 billion suffers of Type 2 Diabetes by 2030. NOT GOOD. NOT OK.
I did not expect The Great Brain to pop up on this list. i read the sh*! out of those books when I was a kid. But I more identified with the narrator and his little brain.
I’m finding this very inspiring for how I think about parenting. at the same time, kids are gonna be kids and one must resist the urge to engineer childhood.
Test your eye and your screen quality: this is an awesome tool for understanding color and contrast via flowing data