A lot of the food tastes of fresh mustard and it’s amazing. Like this from Hello Dhaka
Bangladesh has a population greater than Russia in the space of Iowa. That’s immense density — of the top 10 densest countries (by population), Bangladesh and Gaza are the only non-islands. Source: i asked wolframalpha
There is a small but growing community of exciting (and excited) entrepreneurs. Thanks to Mahmud, Sakib, Towfiq and Zobaida for meeting with me and showing me around. The problems they are solving are real, and primary. Agritech, fintech, supplychain and logistics. The basics. Thanks to my friends at Orbit and Accelerating Asia for the hookups.
I’m reminded of the old joke among China hands -
Stay for a week, write a book, stay for a month write an op-ed, stay for 10 years and learn enough to say nothing.
so i’m not super interested in making any broad statements about Bangladesh, but I was lucky to also spend time with established leaders from a few organizations like BRAC Bank and Valor of Bangladesh, whom all have deep insights into the culture, challenges and opportunities.
I am by no means a jaded traveler, but I did have a moment in the back of a CNG (auto-rickshaw), hurtling across Dhaka when, while the driver was swerving everywhere and using his horn to express his right to exist… I was checking my email. What a strange, lucky life I lead.